Thursday, June 21, 2018

                                                 FICTION AND NON FICTION 

                     This Term we learnt the difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction text. 

Here are some Fiction books we have read this term. 

 Here are some Non-Fiction books we have read this term.


  1. Hello Room 7,
    As some of you might know it's me Tufui from Room 4. I like how you girls and boys are reading Non-Fiction books this terms. Was it challenging reading them? But great job Room 7! Keep it up.

  2. Hello Room 7
    As some of you might know me sofaia from Room 3. i like how you guys are reading about non fiction and fiction books this year. was it hard for some of you guys to read some books but keep on learning more cool books.

  3. Hi Room 7. Good job reading so many fiction and non-fiction books. This reminded us of when we did our PROBE reading tests. Next time be more confident to show your faces. From Room 3.

  4. hi room 7 it is me Daphne and Belinda we are from room 3 at Wesley primary school. We really like the photos.This remind Belinda of when she took the photos.This reminds me Daphne of when i was reading a book.Next tell us what you where reading about or tell why you have the books. Thank you for reading the comment hope you go to my class blog. bye

  5. Hi Room 7 It's me Phi-An from same school.I'm in Room three with Mr Margetts. If you don't know me I am Angelo's Big sister.What I really enjoy was that you guys showing what's fiction and non-fiction.What it reminded me of was when our class does reading time.Next time make sure you tell us what your reading about or maybe make a video for what your reading.well Thanks Room 7,Goodbye for now.Keep working hard and stay in school.Bye!!!
