Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Ako Hiko Film Festival 2018 

Save our trees
This is a short film written and directed by Room 7.
The video is about DEFORESTATION. 


  1. hi room 7 i like your video about saving our trees next time try add some more detail blog you later

  2. Hi my name is Sopheighra! I'm in room 4 from the same school.

    I loved the message about saving our trees. I also loved the props you used for the film. You all were amazing actors/Actresses! Maybe you could become an Actor/Actress when you're older.

    Hope to see more posts...Blog you later! :D

  3. Hi there, my name is Luseane. I really like your film because it has a great message to it! This reminded me of when i used to think bout trees. Maybe next time you could've checked back ground noises.

    Great film

  4. Hi room 7 It is me charlotte here I love how your video is about tress I love what your video is saying to keep tress safe good job on it.

  5. WOW! Room 7 this is so creative, we loved the dancing part and cool face emoji. We learned a lot and made a lot of connections about saving the trees. You guys are awesome. Come check out ours.

    Room 6

  6. hi my name is bettwin i really like the props that you guy's made and the trees and the co2 bubbles coming out of the car and great job.

    room 6

  7. Hi! my name is Juliana from CTK I liked your movie because it about saving trees. It was cool how you made the trees look real. Keep up the good work

  8. Hi room 7, I am a teacher at a Manaiakalani school and I wanted to say that I really enjoyed watching your movie on saving our trees. I was very impressed with the topic specific vocabulary you used in the movie. I would like to encourage you to take a journey through the periodic table. I think you will find even more interesting vocabulary.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi my name is mia and i'm from room 24 at Owairaka Disrict School. I really liked your blog post about the film festival i remember when i was doing this for the film festival but never got to finish. have any of your students tried acting for a living if they havent they should. Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog http://odsieremiaf.blogspot.com/ Blog you later,Mia

  11. Hi there, my name is zac and tina and I am a student in room 7 at Wesley Primary School. I really like your videos. It made me think of making my own. Have you thought about adding some singing.
