Sunday, August 18, 2019

Banana oats cookies

We made banana oats cookies. Here is the recipe below.


1 cup oats
1 banana
2 tablespoons of honey
4 tablespoons of milk
sprinkle of chocolate chips


1) We mashed the banana using the back of a fork
2) Then we put oats, honey, milk and chocolate chips into the bowl
3) We mixed it with a spoon until all the ingredients came together
4) Then we put a tablespoon of the cookie dough on the baking tray and baked it in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

It was delicious and healthy!

With our buddies we made posters about our cooking experience on google drawings. Our teacher displayed our posters on our class window so others could have a look at the fun we had!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Cybersmart in Room 4

Today in Cybersmart we learned about Blogs and how people share posts on their blogs.

We created a google poster of what to share and not to share on blogs.

The best part was looking at all the different information on other people blogs!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Snag Golf

This term we learned how to play Snag Golf. Mr Allan taught us how to hold a putter with two hands. we put both of our hands on the handle. The left hand on top of the right hand with the thumbs facing down. Then we put the golf ball on the tee and we hit the ball with a tick toc motion. We had to aim by putting our feet together pointing to the tee using at 90 degree and hit the ball at the target. We took turns with our buddy. We were so excited to learn golf and it was so much FUN!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Cyber smart with Gerard

This Year we are so lucky to have Gerhard coming in to Room 4 every Monday to teach us about cyber safety and how to use the our Chromebooks. Currently we are learning to use Polyline tool on Google drawings to design and draw a chromebook.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

2 minute silence

As a whole school we stood around the mosaic world map bowing our heads down in silence for 2 minutes to pay our respect for Christchurch victims. KIA KAHA

Paper doll project

We made papers dolls to celebrate different cultures. The doll's holding hands represent living together in unity.

Next week we are posting the paper dolls to Christchurch to show love and support to people who have lost their loved ones.

This activity taught us a lot about other cultures and we think this world would be boring if we one had one culture.

We are all one race that is the 'human race'.